ADHD And Premature Ejaculation Addressing Sexual Dysfunction in ADHD Patients
ADHD and premature ejaculation are two common conditions that can significantly impact an individual’s daily life, relationships, and self-esteem. ADHD represents attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There are thought to be three main categories of ADHD, depending on the main symptoms (attention deficit; hyperactivity; a combination of both). ADHD is a childhood neuro-developmental condition but often persists into adulthood. While premature ejaculation pertains to the early release of semen during sexual activity. Some studies show that these both conditions are related to each in the sense of early ejaculation. In this blog, we will understand ADHD and premature ejaculation, and how they are linked to each other and also look at some treatments. What is ADHD? ADHD is generally regarded as one of the most common, yet also most controversial childhood developmental conditions and also in adults in the world. ADHD is understood to be a cluster of ‘symptoms’ that can include hyperactivity and impulsivity, as well as problems with attention and focus. In fact, healthcare professionals today distinguish between three main subcategories of ADHD: Understanding Premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation (PE) is defined as a persistent or recurrent condition in which ejaculation occurs within about 1 minute after vaginal penetration, contrary to one’s wishes. It is the most common sexual dysfunction among males in all age groups. Premature ejaculation is considered to be primary if it starts from the first sexual experience, happens almost every time during sex, and takes less than 60 seconds (lifelong PE); it is considered to be secondary if it occurs after a relatively normal period of sexual function (acquired PE). The psychopathology of lifelong PE is not completely understood and theories about this do not provide an adequate explanation. It is thought that in addition to psychological factors, genetic and neurobiological features also affect the occurrence of lifelong PE. Very few males with PE apply for the treatment. Thus, it causes stress, anxiety, depression, frustration, decreased self-esteem, and relationships. ADHD And Premature Ejaculation Connection ADHD and premature ejaculation link, research suggests that about 40% of men and women with ADHD will have some sexual problems. There are some common sex issues that can happen to people that have ADHD. They include: Impulsivity and Premature Ejaculation Impulsivity is a common symptom of ADHD. Impulsivity in individuals with ADHD means they may act without thinking, making decisions without fully considering the consequences. Impulsive behavior can extend to various areas of life, including sexual experiences like premature ejaculation. During relation to sexual intercourse, an impulsive individual may experience difficulty controlling the timing of their ejaculation. The lack of self-control, especially under conditions of heightened arousal or excitement, can lead to early ejaculation. In reality, research has shown that impulsivity and low self-control are significant factors in sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation. High or Low Libido If you have ADHD, you may have a high sex drive. You may think about or try to have sex frequently. You may also use pornography regularly. On the other hand, some medications that treat ADHD can cause a low sex drive. Antidepressants, which sometimes treat ADHD, are most likely to lower your libido. Hypersensitivity Because of ADHD and premature ejaculation hypersensitivity and mood changes can impact your sex drive and the way you interact with romantic partners. For example, you might like a certain sex act at one point, then decide you no longer like it. Or you may feel like cuddling or touching one day, but not the next. And sex acts that may feel good for your partner could be irritating or uncomfortable for you. Treatments for ADHD And Premature Ejaculation ADHD and premature ejaculation treatment often consists of a variety of components (referred to as a ‘multi-modular’ approach to treatment) including changes in lifestyle and diet, medication, psycho-social training, as well as personal therapy. There is no ‘one size fits all’ and what is most useful depends on individual needs and circumstances. It is worth noting that it can sometimes take a while to find the right ‘mix’ and the journey can at times be frustrating. Below we will consider some of the treatments. 1. Medication Medication as the first form of treatment for adults with ADHD. The most common medicines used to treat ADHD are known as ‘stimulants’ and the most commonly used stimulant is methylphenidate. Methylphenidate is available as short acting tablets which are usually taken 2-3 times daily, or as long acting tablets taken once daily. Because stimulants are in your body for a short period of time, it is possible to be flexible about when you take them. Medication for premature ejaculation doctors noticed that men and women on antidepressants have delayed orgasms .Drugs such as clomipramine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline and tramadol affect serotonin levels. Some doctors use these drugs “off-label” (for a different reason than the drug’s original use) to treat PE. If one drug does not work, your doctor may suggest you try a different drug. 2. Behavioral Therapy Behavior modeling is one technique learning other behavior. Behavioral therapy is the best treatment for ADHD and PE. Staying active can help you focus and raise levels of neurotransmitters. That can help you enjoy intimacy more and may make you less likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors. 3. Psychological Therapy Psychological therapy like CBT is effective treatment for both ADHD and premature ejaculation. Consider talk therapy. Research shows that talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy, can help ease ADHD symptoms that impact your sex life. A therapist can also help you learn skills that can help you communicate with your partner, both in and out of bed. Conclusion ADHD and premature ejaculation are two different types of conditions, but sexual health or premature ejaculation is also affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We discussed both discomforts that can be managed by some treatments. Treatments for ADHD and PE are medication, exercise, and behavioral and psychological therapies. So if these type of problem, don’t worry Dr. J, M.D. is specialist in personal health