Stem cell hair restoration is basically one of the best transforming treatments for hair loss. One of the most common issues of hair is hair loss, many people are facing this issue. It is usually possible in every age or gender. Basically it is considered a cosmetic issue, and many people treat it in different ways, like remedies, using oils, and medication. But mostly it seems the issue will remain as before or a little bit better than before. Hair loss, hair thinning, and baldness can damage the value of personality and may cause the lack of confidence and self-esteem. There are many hair restoration methods available in aesthetic history, but stem cell treatment for hair loss has its own value.
It is becoming the most popular treatment due to its innovative solution for hair loss, it provides natural hair regrowth. In this blog we will discuss all its exposure which you want to know.
What is Stem Cell Hair Restoration?
Stem cell hair restoration is a non-surgical treatment which is used to stop hair loss. Stem cell treatment is rejuvenation therapy that uses the body’s own cell to repair and regrowth of hair follicles. In this procedure expert take stem cell from patient’s own body and creating it specifically for concern of patients and inserted by injection into bald area of is very innovative treatment for natural growth of hair follicles.
Procedure of Stem Cell Hair Restoration
Stem cell treatment for hair loss usually works into following steps, which is important to understand.
1. Extraction
In the first step stem cells are collected from the patient’s body, like fat tissues or bone marrow, but mostly for hair it is taken from the scalp.
2. Processing
This extracted cell is then taken to the laboratory for isolation, after which stem cells are able to inject.
3. Injecting
After the processing the stem cells are injected into the hair loss area on the scalp.
4. Stimulation
Once stem cells are injected into the scalp, it stimulates the tissues which support the repair of damaged follicles and motivate the growth of new hairs.

Advantages of Stem Cell Hair Restoration
Stem cell hair restoration treatment has many advantages over other surgical treatments, which are mentioned here.
1. Natural Restoration
Rather than other treatments, stem cell treatment for hair loss is a totally natural and biocompatible option, because this treatment uses the body’s own cell for hair restoration.
2. Non-Surgical Treatment
This treatment is performed by insertion of a cell, so there is no need for any surgery, it is completely non-surgical treatment.
3. Long-Lasting Results
This is a long-lasting procedure, because of the regeneration of hair follicles, it stimulates the growth of new hairs, usually this growth of hairs is thick and healthy, and it will sustain for many years.
4. Enhance Scalp Health
By this treatment the growth factor release from stem cells increases the blood circulation, which are helpful to growth hair follicles, production of collagen, and other proteins. It improved the scalp health that is the basic source for healthy hair growth.
5. Scare Less Treatment
In this treatment there is no procedure of removal or reposition of hair follicles, so it has no risk of scarring. It has a visible result of hair restoration.
Risk and Side Effects of Stem Cell Treatment for Hair Loss
There is no doubt it is a safe and secure option for hair growth treatment but beside this as other treatments it also has some risks or possible side effects, which are mentioned here.
Swelling and Bruising
In this procedure there is some possibility of swelling, bruising, and redness on the treated area Infection
Basically this is an injected process, so it has a small chance of infection. But by using sterilization techniques, the risk will be minimized.
Allergic Reaction
This is very rare, but has some chance of allergic reaction due to used substances in procedure, such as the numbing product or stem cell medium.
Asymmetrical Result
Sometimes the result may not be symmetrical, because hair growth may vary over the treated area. It means it requires multiple sessions of treatment.
Suitable candidate for Stem Cell Hair Restoration
Stem cell hair restoration is a simple and secure treatment but it is not necessary that it is suitable for everyone, it has some limitations to recommend, who are good candidates for this treatment, here we point out.
Who experienced hair loss and thinning hair at an early age, it is good for those. In this procedure, the stem cell has a stunning position, so it is very important that a person should have a healthy stem cell which is collected for the procedure. For this procedure overall health is very important because it may affect the expected result. This is also a good option for those who don’t want to treat the hair problem in any surgical way. There is nothing any infection or medical condition on the scalp, because it causes issues in results and recovery.
Among all these points, here is one more thing which is important to know, that stem cell therapy may not be working on those who have advanced or long-standing hair loss. Because in this condition the hair follicles have been damaged or have not been active for a long period. In this situation there are many other options for hair loss treatment, like transplant surgery.

Stem cell hair restoration is effective treatment many individuals are satisfied from stem cell therapy. Stem cell hair treatment is best for hair growth, restoring natural-looking hair, and offers a less invasive alternative than other surgical treatments. While it is a safe treatment there may be some side effects experienced after the treatment. If you want to get stem cell therapy for hair restoration keep one thing in mind: always choose a skilled and experienced health care provider. When a procedure administered by a skilled and experienced doctor, productive outcomes will be seen.