Lip enhancement near me in Orlando, FL at Menz Clinic, we create instantaneous volume in one or both of the lips. Results may be dramatic, giving you a fuller, younger looking. Through injection or implant, lip augmentation enlarges or “fattens” the outer portion of the lips, called the vermilion. Augmentation softens fine lines within the lipsand can reshape the Cupid’s bow or better define your lips’ edges. Lip enhancement Orlando refers to cosmetic procedures designed to improve the appearance of the lips.
Get an appointment today and discover more about lip enhancement Orlando. Dr. J, M.D. will guide you about lip augmentation treatment. Whether you prefer dermal fillers for instant volume or a more permanent option, we have the right treatment for you. Contact us (407) 606-6450 Schedule your consultation today to explore your options, 7300 SandLake Commons Blvd Ste 227 C, Orlando, FL 32819 at Menz Clinic
Lip enhancement Orlando treatments are quick and easy to repeat, so people who are pleased with the results often choose to continue them. Temporary injectables include collagen and fat or fascia (derived from your own or donor tissue). Longer-lasting lip enhancement near me, considered semi permanent, involves the injections of the hybrids. The hybrids contain microscopically tiny plastic spheres, blended in liquid collagen, which stimulates the growth of your own collagen. The result is fuller lips. A permanent injection material, silicone in micro-droplet injection form, is used by some physicians who believe that, used appropriately, it is safe and effective.
Lip enhancement Orlando with implants is semi-permanent or permanent. Two types of implants are available for this procedure: injectable implants and solid implants. Injectable implants are those consisting of tiny synthetic particles suspended in an injection fluid. The particles themselves permanently expand lip tissue, and they also signal your body to grow new collagen around them, which enhances the lips’ fullness. If for some reason you don’t like the results, the implants can be removed or repositioned.
Most lip enhancement near me injections involve a very simple process and little or no discomfort. The procedure will require that you be draped as you lie on a table. We will numb your lips with a local anesthetic such as lidocaine placed on cotton swabs and then do a nerve block. You may want to ask if you can take a muscle relaxant or another mild sedative before you start. It usually takes a series of twelve to sixteen injections to complete the job. On the upside, the procedure won’t take long, usually not more than twenty to thirty minutes. Your lips will stay numb for about an hour.
If you are having fat from your own body transferred to your lips, it’s a little more complicated than a simple injection, because the doctor will be using a narrow tool, a canula, to create a tubular hollow inside your lips to receive the fat cells. For this you’ll also be given a nerve-block anesthetic, which will numb your lips completely. This is a deeper injection of anesthetic into the lip sensory nerve. Once the fat has been removed with a syringe from another part of your body, such as the abdomen.
Understanding lip enhancement near me through implants, the lips are disinfected and a local anesthetic is injected. Next, implants require that four tiny incisions be made, one at the very outer corner of each lip. (These well-hidden locations result in no visible scarring, however.) With a special threading device, the implant material is pulled from one tiny incision at the corner of each lip through the lip to the other corner. Next, the ends are trimmed and rounded and single, hair-thin stitches are placed using dissolving or non-dissolving suture material.
The swelling naturally resulting from an implant procedure will cause some pressure and discomfort; however, the residual numbness in your lips will last for several days and lessen any lingering discomfort. After the preliminary swelling subsides, you can take pain medication, if you feel you need it.
Most people who want to have lip enhancement Orlando procedure done can tolerate the injections or implants very well. There are a few exceptions, however. If you have a history of allergy to meat or other bovine products, or severe allergies in general, you may need to avoid bovine collagen. If you have any disorders involving collagen, raised scars, or connective tissue, such as lupus or scleroderma, these procedures may not be for you. Likewise, clotting disorders, poorly controlled diabetes, or allergies to local anesthetics may mean that you’re not a good candidate for lip implants.
Lip enhancement Orlando produces an instant change in your appearance. In most cases, lip augmentation produces results that are quite natural-looking. If you’ve had lip enhancement Orlando through injection, you’ll have some swelling immediately after the treatment, so expect some reduction in fullness over the next week before your lips settle into their new shape. After a solid implant or fat transfer procedure, you’ll have more swelling initially, but the extra fullness will subside during the first week. You may also have temporary bruising on your lips, and once the anesthetic wears off, they will be very sensitive to pressure for a week or so.
Although it varies from person to person, temporary injectable lip treatments, such as Those with collagen usually last for about three to four months. Hyaluronic acid in the lips lasts eight to nine months. As the material is reabsorbed by your body, you’ll notice a gradual reduction in lip fullness. You can decide whether you’d like to repeat the treatments.
An allergic response to either bovine or donor collagen (derived from tissue banks) is possible, although allergy testing should forestall this problem. Very rarely, tissue rejection is a possibility with some of the biological filler injections.
After most injections, patients receive a prescription for antibiotics to help avoid infection. To help reduce swelling during the first couple of days, you can apply an ice pack for fifteen minutes every hour or two.
Most procedures involve the use of numbing agents, so discomfort is generally minimal. Some swelling and tenderness post-treatment are normal.