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Premature Ejaculation Exercises 

4 Alternative Treatments to Premature Ejaculation Exercises 

Premature ejaculation exercises are a good way to enhance your pelvic muscles and delay ejaculation. However in some cases they might not be very efficient.  Men often consider premature ejaculation (PE) to be among the most frequent sexual dysfunctions, as it affects their self-esteem and close relationships. To help you have a smooth sexual life with your partner, we have enlisted the 4 alternative treatments to premature ejaculation exercises. Read them on and choose the right treatment. 

What Leads To Premature Ejaculation?

Several components lead to early ejaculation, including:

  • PE can result from psychological elements like pressure to perform, anxiety, and stress.
  • Hormone imbalances – Rapid ejaculation could be caused by low serotonin levels.
  • Men with erectile dysfunction often need to proceed to climax early to prevent losing their erection.
  • Conflict with a partner affecting sexual performance. 
  • In some men having over sensitive penile nerves can lead to a few men with rapid ejaculation.
  • Genetic issues are also a causative factor. Some men could be naturally inclined toward PE because of genetic features.
  • Prostate problems may cause early climax; prostatitis is one of such ailments.
  • Substance abuse like alcohol and drug consumption leads to PE.
  • Frequent ill habits can cause the body to release quickly.

How Is Premature Ejaculation Treated?

Several therapies are available for early ejaculation, some of them include:

  • Behavioral strategies help men delay their ejaculation by using the start-stop and squeeze techniques.
  • Pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises (Kegels) can help to control ejaculations.
  • Mental relaxation methods include meditation and breathing exercises which helps to handle anxiety.
  • Desensitizing lotions and sprays reduce penile sensitivity.
  • Pills such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) help to lengthen ejaculation.
  • Improved sexual performance comes from addressing psychological components as well as from psychotherapy and counselling.
  • Professional services – Seeking advice on more advanced therapy including nerve stimulation or shockwave therapy.
  • Improvement of diet, exercise every day, and lowered stress help to increase command over ejaculation levels.

4 Alternatives to Premature Ejaculation Exercises 

Although exercises are a good means, some males look for alternative treatments. Effective options follow:

1. Therapy As Well As Counselling

Dealing with mental issues is an important part of PE treatment. Men have a chance in counseling to investigate their emotional and mental triggers. Counselors develop plans to control them. Men using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help identify causes that lead to PE and replace them with more positive ones.

Sex therapy comprises working with a professional to improve sexual performance and self-assuredness. Along with that, therapists also give mindfulness training. Learning to maintain presence during intercourse can assist men in managing arousal levels and preventing rapid ejaculation. Reinforcing communication and emotional intimacy among partners may help to reduce anxiety and enhance sexual contact.

2. Psychosexual Therapy

Psychosexual therapies are often a good alternative treatment to premature ejaculation exercises. Specialists use sensory focus therapy that is a step-by-step desensitizing technique by which partners use non-penetrative touch to reduce fear. This technique assists males in adjusting to sexual stimuli without climaxing too fast.

Psychosexual therapists use mental exercises to control arousal and extend sexual activity.

One such mental exercise is hypnotherapy. Men find hypnotherapy helpful as it helps to deal with subconsciously driven stimuli. 

3. Therapeutic Drugs As A Replacement Of Premature Ejaculation Exercises

Several pharmaceutical therapies are available for men seeking medical solutions.

Originally indicated for depression, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like paroxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline have been proven to delay ejaculation.

PDE5 inhibitors also help to keep erections that indirectly contribute to PE. These include  agents like sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis).

Some males get relief from alpha-blockers, which enable muscles to relax and improve ejaculatory control.

4. Professional Treatments From Experts 

Professional therapies are offered for people who do not succeed using medication or behavioral approaches. They have always contributed to be the best alternative treatments to premature ejaculation exercises. These treatments include: 

  • A non-invasive technique that increases blood flow to the penis and reinforces nerve activity is called shockwave therapy. It works by focusing on overactive penile nerves to boost ejaculation control. It is also called nerve stimulation therapy.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a method that injects the penis with PRP to encourage tissue regeneration and sensitivity control via injection.
  • Botox shots: an original experimental therapy that might help to calm the muscles governing ejaculation.
  • In extreme cases, one might consider surgery to change nerve sensitivity.

Results After Professional Treatments 

After premature ejaculation therapy, men should expect several benefits in terms of:

  • Greater endurance in bed
  • Increased control of ejaculation
  • Better sexual feelings 
  • More enjoyment for the partner 
  • Overall improvement in confidence
  • Decreased anxiety and increased self-esteem
  • Improved communication and closeness with partners leads to stronger connections.
  • Sustained changes – multiple therapies produce long-term relief if used regularly.

Book Your Professional Treatment Today

Early ejaculation can seriously damage a man’s self-confidence and close relationship. Kegel workout is a safe method for holding your ejaculation but in severe cases it also fails. However, alternative treatments to premature ejaculation exercises are always recommended. Treatments like psychotherapy, psychosexual treatment, drugs, and professional interventions offer good options. Our senior specialist at Menz Clinic provides expert support and experienced solutions personalized for your needs. If you are struggling with PE and wish for a customized treatment plan visit us today. 

Get control of your sexual health now—set up a meeting with Menz Clinic and reestablish confidence in your intimate life!

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