When you follow the 7 stretches for lower back pain recommended by experts, you are sure to feel pain-free. The stretches are designed specifically to target your lower back also known as the lumbar region. Inappropriate posture is the main contributing factor for lower back-pain however, there are other reasons as well. To maintain a good posture and attain relief from lumbar pain, we have compiled the 7 stretches for lower back pain everyone should know. Gear up to explore each of them in detail in this guide.
What Are The Reasons Behind Lower Back Pain?
A common issue affecting many people around the world is lower back discomfort. Improper posture, muscle imbalances, inactive lifestyles, and injuries are among several possible causes of it. Rigidity and pain can arise from lower back muscle stress produced by long sitting periods, heavy lifting, and sharp movements.
Moreover, the other contributing factors for low back pain are conditions such obesity, arthritis, and sciatica. By improving flexibility, reducing tension, and promoting better circulation in the lower back muscles and daily stretching can help to relieve pain.
The 7 stretches for lower back pain Recommended By Experts
1. The Most Famous Knee-To-Chest Stretch
The knee-to-chest stretch helps elongate your lower back and so reduces stress and pain.
How to do it:
- Lean back with your knees folded and feet flat on the floor.
- Interlace your fingers or grasp your wrists just under the knee as you hold your right lower leg with both hands.
- Keep your left foot flat on the floor and slowly draw your right knee toward your chest till you feel a hump in your lower back.
- Allow 30–60 seconds while you rest your legs, hips, and lower back.
- Relax your right knee and go back to starting stance.
- Repeat with the left leg too.
- Perform three sets per leg.
- Repeat thrice with 30-second rest breaks, 15–20 seconds in a more intense stretch whereby you bring both knees to your chest.
2. Rotation of the Trunk
The core rotation of your trunk relieves lower back pressure and adds strength to your middle muscles. It targets your abdominal muscles and the muscles that surround your pelvic region.
How to do it?
- Raise your legs up as if sitting in a seat and lie on your back.
- Extend your arms out to the sides, palms turned down.
- With your knees close, softly rotate them to the right and hold for 15–20 minutes.
- Repeat on the left side and come back to the starting point.
- Do 5-10 repetitions on every side.
3. The most phenomenal Cat-Cow Stretch
Cat-Cow yoga pose increases flexibility and relieves lower back strain. Experts say that it is also beneficial in toning up your muscles and leading to a flatter belly over time.
How to do it?
- On your hands and knees, spread your knees hip-width apart.
- Cat pose calls for you to arch your back, draw your belly button toward your spine, and lower your head. Keep for 5–10 seconds.
- Return to the original spot.
- Elevate your head and let your pelvis tilt forward, arching your back downward (Cow Pose). Keep for five to ten seconds.
- Repeat every 15 to 20 times.
4. Hamstring Stretch in a sitting position
Lower back pain might result when your hamstring muscles have become too tensed or tight. This particular stretch targets the hamstring muscles and loosens them up.
How to do it?
- Sit with one leg straight along the line in front of you.
- Wrap a towel around the heel of your stretched leg.
- Straighten your back, forward at the hips bend, and softly drag on the towel.
- Hold 10 seconds and then take a break of 30 seconds.
- Continue this in 3 cycles
Once you are proficient in performing the stretch, you can increase the intensity of your movements and also the frequency of the cycles.
5. Tilting up your pelvic muscles
The pelvic tilt helps to relieve lower back tension and improve flexibility. Many yoga experts believe that this stretch specifically relaxes your pelvic muscles. Therefore, it is one of the best 7 stretches for lower back pain.
How to Carry out:
- Rest flat with knees bent and feet against the ground.
- Slowly arch your lower back, driving your belly outwards. Maintain for 5-10 minutes.
- Relax, then use your stomach and hips to force your lower back against the floor.
- Give a 5–10 second hold, then release.
- Begin with 10–15 repetitions and slowly work up to 25–30 moves.
The stretch might feel hard initially, but when you get used to it, you feel less pressure and significant pain-relief in your lumbar region or lower back.
6. Flexion turns or rotation
The flexion turns work best for your lower back and hips specifically.
How to do it?
- Extend your right side and lie down.
- Turn your left leg bends so that the foot is hidden behind the knee on the lower right side.
- Use your right arm to help your left knee and put your left hand behind your head.
- Softly turn your upper body back so your left shoulder blade touches the floor.
- Pause for 1–3 seconds and complete 10 repetitions.
- Change direction and redo.
7. Stretch supported by bridge
This stretch is done by keeping a bridge in the form of a foam roller or cushion, the supported bridge releases the lower back.
How can you do it?
- Lie on your back with your flat feet on the ground and your knees bent.
- Raise your hips and place a foam roller or pillow under them.
- Relax completely so the support can alleviate stress.
- Hold the position for 30–60 seconds.
- Do the stretch for 3-5 times, let 30-60 seconds of rest divide each one.

How Helpful Are These Exercises?
These 7 stretches for lower back ache are proven to alleviate lumbar pain. Men who have work that forces them to stay seated for extended hours, can highly benefit from these stretches. The best part about these stretches is that they do not require any special equipment or tools. You can do them within the comfort of your home.
The Bottom Line
By following these 7 stretches for lower back ache helps increase flexibility, lower back discomfort, and reduce risk of accidents. Including these stretches in your daily routine can help to lower stress and support general spinal health. Always be aware of your body; reach out to our senior doctor if you find consistent discomfort and want professional consultation.