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back pain and nausea

Back Pain and Nausea Understanding and Overcoming

Back pain and nausea are two different health problems many people experience both discomforts at same time. While back pain is a common condition that many individuals experience at any age. It is often caused by factors such as poor posture, muscle strain, or injury. Nausea is a feeling of queasiness or discomfort in the stomach that often leads to vomiting. Sometimes back pain can link with stomach problems like nausea. However, the link between nausea and back pain may be confusing for some people, because they seem like two separate problems. In this guide, we will understand the connection between nausea and back pain, Its causes, symptoms, and best treatment for nausea and back pain. 

What are Back Pain and Nausea?

Back pain and nausea are common issues that many individuals face in their life. Back pain occurs in the lower, middle, or upper back. This pain has two stages one is mild (acute) and severe also called (chronic). The causes of acute pain may be muscle strain or injury, it can occur because of some health conditions like degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, or arthritis. So if you have back pain at the first stage don’t let it be a chronic pain and get immediate treatment.

Nausea means feeling about vomiting or it is the sensation of an unsettled stomach. There are many reasons for nausea such as digestive problems, motion sickness, gastrointestinal infections, or even stress. Also there are two stages of nausea: one is acute and other is chronic. There are many treatments available to overcome nausea such as hydration, resting and medication.

What are Back Pain and Nausea

Back Pain and Nausea Causes

 Causes of back pain

Muscle strain, it means lifting heavy objects or overuse leads to muscle strain.

Herniated disc, this is an injury in the spine that can bulge out and press on a nearby nerve. Arthritis, arthritis is a joint inflammation also it causes stiffness in the back.

Sciatica, lower back pain also occurs when pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Osteoporosis, when bone becomes weak, leads to fractures in the spine that pain arises. 

Causes of Nausea

Gastrointestinal problems, these problems are very common like indigestion, food poisoning, or acid reflux.

Infections, bacterial or viral infections such as the flu or stomach bug.

Medications, some medicine also can cause nausea. 

Pregnancy, vomiting is common during the early stages of pregnancy.

Migraine headaches.

When Nausea and Back Pain Happen Jointly

Back pain and nausea link depending on some conditions, there are following causes that why nausea and back pain happen jointly. 

1. Spinal Issues and Nerve Compression

Nausea and back pain can occur together when spinal conditions like a herniated disc or spinal stenosis arise. Nerve compression in the spine is a main cause of pain, that can be for a long time. When pain is severe vomiting can be seen. Spinal issues and nerve compression also cause weakness in the legs or arms, numbness, and tingling. 

2. Kidney Problems

Kidney problems like kidney stones or infection are common causes of nausea and back pain.
Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys and can cause sharp pain in the back or side. When urine blocks because of stone there will be severe pain and nausea. Fever, chills, and painful urination are symptoms of kidney infection. 

3. Gastrointestinal Issues

Back pain and nausea can occur together at some gastrointestinal conditions such as acid reflux, ulcers, or gastritis. These conditions may cause upper back pain after eating. However, gas or bloating can create pressure on the abdomen and back because of that vomiting and pain seen. Some digestive issues irritate the nerves around the stomach and discomfort in back pain.       

4. Infections or Inflammatory Conditions

Some infections like appendicitis or pelvic inflammatory disease can cause nausea and back pain. When inflammation in the abdominal region occurs this will lead to back pain. Because infection results in vomiting, and fever. There should be immediate medical attention to manage the infection or inflammatory conditions. 

4. Pregnancy-related Back Pain

Nausea and back pain are common problems for pregnant women, women always complain about these both problems. The growing uterus puts pressure on the lower back, and hormonal changes can cause the ligaments to loosen, leading to discomfort. Nausea, especially in the first trimester, can occur due to hormonal fluctuations. So pregnant women always take care to avoid nausea and back pain.

Treatment Options for Back Pain and Nausea


Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can manage the acute back pain. There are some best nausea medicines like dramamine, and pepto-bismol.
Physical therapy is also the best option to minimize back pain. 

Hydration and Dietary Adjustments

Hydration is the perfect option that helps to alleviate nausea when nausea is related to digestive issues. Always avoid heavy and fatty foods because it helps to decrease gallbladder problems or gastrointestinal problems. 

Hydration and Dietary Adjustments

Lifestyle Changes

Posture management helps to lessen back pain, always avoid heavy lifting to decrease the back pain. Practice stress management techniques such as exercise and yoga. These will help nausea and back pain caused by stress.


Back pain and nausea can happen together, because of some conditions such as spinal issues and nerve compression, kidney problems, gastrointestinal issues, infections, and pregnancy.
While many cases of nausea and back pain can be managed with self-care measures, it’s important to recognize when medical intervention is necessary. We have discussed the treatments of nausea and back pain such as medication, hydration and lifestyle changes. Keep in mind to always choose a qualified and experienced health care provider, because any treatment results depend on the expertise of the doctor. If nausea and back pain are not treated at an acute stage, these problems become chronic. Dr. J, M.D. is a qualified and board certified doctor, he is specialist in personal health and overall wellbeing. Dr. J has more than 25 years experience in the medical field. He is serving at Menz Clinic in Orlando, Florida.