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Best Male Enlargement Surgery

Best Male Enlargement Surgery: The Ultimate Guide to Transform Your Confidence

Best male enlargement surgery is needed for every individual, those reflecting a growing interest in male enhancement process. This blog information will delve into most effective male enlargement surgeries, giving an in depth look at the treatment, risks, benefits, and post care procedure. Further we will discuss as much as about penile enlargement surgery.

Male enlargement surgery aimed to design enhancement girth, length of penis. There are two types of these surgeries, penile girth and penile length increment. Each type of penile surgery has different results and approaches. It is important to understand the benefits of each to make an informed selection of treatment. Let’s discover more to transform your confidence.

Best Male Enlargement Surgery Types

Best male enlargement surgery types will be discussed below for your best understanding.

  1. Penile Girth Enhancement Surgery
  2. Penile lengthening surgery

1. Male girth enhancement surgery

Male girth enhancement surgery is essential to increase the circumference of the penile. This technique for male enlargement surgery poses various procedures. Which can be fat transfer, silicone implants, and dermal grafts.

Autologous fat grafting, or fat transfer, works to harvest fat from another part of male ‘s own body. Commonly the areas such as abdomen or thighs and those fat inject it in the penile, With fat injection, fat purification, and liposuction. Autologous fat grafting is a relatively safe process with low risk of rejection. While the minimum of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed over time, there can be additional treatment to maintain results. 

Best male enlargement surgery is increasing in demand, Silicone implants are a treatment for innovation in penis girth enhancement. This process is designed for penis consistent increase and augmentation. Procedure of silicone implants is first implant insertion through a small injection at the base of the penile,with positioning and postoperative care. There may be risk associated with implant displacement and infection. 

Dermal Grafts help to increase penis girth, using skin grafts taken from the patient’s own body. This procedure is more productive than fat transfer, harvesting skin grafts it harvest skin grafts from donor sites, like thighs or buttocks. Graft placement, healing and integration is important in this penile treatment. Dermal grafts are best to increase penis girth, but the process is invasive and time consuming in recovery. 

2. Penile lengthening surgery

Best male enlargement surgery aims for penile lengthening and male sextual confidence. Penile lengthening surgery helps to increase the visible length of the penile. A very renowned method in surgery is Ligamentolysis procedure. This treatment involves cutting the suspensory ligament that attaches the penile to the pubic bone.  It leads to penile hanging outside that’s why it looks long.

Procedure of Ligamentolysis: Ligamentolysis procedure strat from consultation, through it the surgeon assesses the male health, discusses expectations, and procedure information.  

After that medical doctor administers anesthesia, it helps to be easy in surgery. After that injection and ligament cutting, post care is essential for best outcomes. Ligamentolysis process can increase 1 to 2 inches to flaccid length of the penile. 

Does Best Male Enlargement Surgery work?

Best male enlargement surgery which follows the Penuma implant is the only FDA approved cosmetic surgical procedure to male enlargement. After 2017 study notes that the Penuma demonstrated an average 60% increase in girth of the penile. Also patient satisfaction and improvements in self confidence and self esteem, as well as long losting. After that a 2019 (studyTurted) source of sexuality health researchers noticed that silicone implants help to penis enlargement. This procedure increases the length and girth of the penile in minimum time.

Pros and Cons of Best Male Enlargement Surgery


Improved Sexual Satisfaction: Most men report high sexual satisfaction for themselves and their partners after surgery. 

Increased confidence: Majority of male whose following penis enlargement treatment experience a boost in self confidence and self esteem after enlargement procedure. 

Enhanced Aesthetics: Male enlargement surgery can increase the appearance of the penile result to more satisfaction.


Unsatisfactory outcomes: Every male body is different from each other, so not all patients of penis enlargement surgery achieve best outcomes. Some patients may experience issues such  as asymmetry, reduced sensitivity, or dissatisfaction after treatment.

Complications: Surgical procedure also poses risk complications including infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Risk for penile enlargement surgery include scarring, erectile dysfunction, and tissue necrosis.

Psychological Impact: Some men may experience increased anxiety or regret, especially if the results do not meet expectations. These unwanted outcomes lead to Psychological  impact.

Cost of Best Male Enlargement Surgery

.The expense of best male enlargement surgery can fluctuate generally based on variables like the sort of strategy, the specialist’s skill, and the location of the medical procedure. By and large, costs range from $3,000 to $10,000 or more. It’s vital to talk with a certified medical care proficient to get exact outcomes and to examine expected dangers and advantages.

Best Male enlargement surgery recovery process

Penile enlargement after surgery is highly important to ensure that the penile heals productively. Sextual health expert declared that 30 days of no intense physical activity and 2 months of no sextual activity or masturbation after cosmetic penis surgery treatment.  


Best male Enlargement surgery has many options for men who want to enhance the length and girth of their penile. It is important to understand all the factors of this surgery, benefits, risk and recovery process for a strong decision of this treatment. By selecting  the right surgeon and all guidelines by your sexual health provider, follow male enlargement surgery. Whether you choose penis lengthening,or girth enhancement, or both. It depends on your desire and need, the right technique and proper care, penis enlargement surgery can lead to high male confidence.

Sexual satisfaction and improved aesthetics are results for male enlargement surgery. Choosing a best surgeon is important because this treatment is surgical, minor mistakes can cause more danger. Dr.J MD a sexual health specialist and specialist in personal health, he is serving at Menz Clinic in Orlando,FL you can book an appointment free and discover more regarding.

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